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A Global Writing System For A Global Age


Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Valerie Sutton
Chapter One: Early Childhood
Page 1

Chapter 1, page 2
pg 2

Photo above:
My father Paul, and
my mother Doris
on their wedding day
in New York City,
November 28,1946.

Every life has a story...
and could be made into a movie, or become the focus of a novel. I love learning about other people's lives. It gives me a feeling of connection to the human race, and I learn so much listening to others.

That's why I often stop and talk to people I do not know in the supermarket. I have met wonderful people while waiting in line at the post office! Everyone has a story to tell, and I am convinced that everyone has a shining light inside of them. Perhaps I express it more than others, but that is because I am aware that any day could be our last, and we should cherish every moment. So I hope you will share your life experiences with me too, as I am always interested...

Recently I received requests to write my own life story. I feel honored that people are interested. I find it difficult to write about my life, mainly because I hate to burden people with my problems. But on the other hand, sharing my successes and how they were achieved may have some interest for people. So grab a cup of coffee, and let's share life's experiences together!


Photo above: My mother stands in the back. I am center below, bandaged on my arms, my legs and my neck. My older sister Pam is to my left, wearing a brace, the result of polio, which she acquired at age 4. The other children are neighborhood kids. They look a lot healthier than the Sutton girls, don't they?!

Photo above: My mother and father deserve much credit, for a child who is constantly ill and uncomfortable is not easy to raise. They lived as if they were ships passing in the night, caring for me in shifts. As an adult, looking back, I realize that one of the reasons I am so happy and self secure, is because of their steadfast love and devotion in my early years.


I am a very lucky person...
Really...I cannot think of anyone more fortunate than I am.

But that is not because I have good health. I never had good health. I was born quite ill, and that genetic condition continues today.

But my good fortune is still very evident, for I have been blessed with an optomistic and adventurous personality, and a loving and good family, and the proper circumstances for me to use my talents to their fullest.

I am grateful for that opportunity. I know that not everyone has the chance to aspire towards their dreams. And the ill health from birth actually made my dreams possible.

I was born on February 22, 1951, at 7:52am on the island of Manhatten in New York City. My father Paul is a physicist. At the time I was born, he was working towards his Ph.d in physics at Columbia University. My mother was a model in New York, a radio publicist for China Relief, a developer of courses for self-improvement which she taught at colleges, and most importantly, a poet and writer under the pen-name D.N. Sutton. You can read her spiritual poetry, such as Love Poems for the Romatic Heart, and her new novel, Romantic Tales From Old Mulvedania, on her web site: the SoulSite.

My older sister Pam, who is two and one-half years older than I am, is a physician in Florida, a Palliative Care specialist, who works internationally. See

Fortunately, I was not born out in the wilderness, as some babies are, since in my case, I was born bleeding, with my skin hanging in shreds. I had a rare genetic skin condition that is connected with the atopic gene, the allergy gene, which gives people excema, asthma and hay fever. I had all of those conditions, but the excema, which is itchy and painful, was life threatening in my case. This is quite rare. Lots of people have excema, but most people are not born with shredded skin, which brought the risk of infection, and required that I be tied to a crib so I didn't tear my own skin. I didn't walk until around age 2, because of the restrictions. Yet later I became a dancer, taking dance lessons by age 4!

Photo above: What does a little girl do when she is bandaged with greasy creams from head to toe? She covers the bandages up with pretty clothes with high necked shirts, long sleeves, gloves and hats!!


Through much of my childhood I was bandaged from head to toe, because my skin would bleed and fall off, and I lacked the ability to fight infection or to perspire normally. Life-threatening food allergies, and allergies to animals oftentimes put my life at risk as well. I was continually itchy and would have long scratching sessions. And as I became an adult, the condition actually worsened in many ways. I am bandaged to this day (age 63 in 2014). I had hair I could sit on, when I was younger, but for almost 20 years I have been completely bald, and it appears to be permanent.

Which brings up a very important point. Most of the time I live life on a spiritual level. I never wanted to have a body. I actually do not see myself as a person, but as a spirit who is visiting earth for a short time, inside a body that has been in the past, wracked with pain, a little like a burn victim.

So I lifted myself out of my painful body and saw life in its visual panorama, viewing human movement as a spritually visual dance, longing to be made clear and precise on paper for we "mere mortals" here on earth. Yes...I think there is Movement Writing in heaven, recording every beautiful gesture we humans make, and I am here on earth learning and applying the skill!

Photo above:
And not much has changed! Here in 1986, at age 35, I was wearing cortizone bandages under my clothing, a hat to cover bald spots, and long sleeved gloves...I continue to were long gloves 24 hours a day.
This protects me from infection, and is a great blessing.

Valerie Sutton
Chapter One: Early Childhood
Page 1

Chapter 1, page 2
pg 2


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Valerie Sutton
Valerie Sutton

A Global Writing System
For A Global Age

Autobiography, Valerie Sutton, Inventor
Sutton Movement Writing & Shorthand

For more information about
this book, write to:

Valerie Sutton

Center for Sutton Movement Writing, Inc.
an educational 501c3 non-profit organization
Box 517 •La Jolla • CA • 92038-0517 • USA


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